О работе
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Вид искусства: Живопись
Сюжет и объекты: Портрет
Техника: Масло
Материалы: Холст
Дата создания: 2019
Размер: 50×40×2 см
Владелец: V. Woody

Описание картины «Jazz»

"This collection is broked away from the literal representation of portrait in order to express more subjective outlooks and states of mind. Appearance always fades into the background or is lost at all.

First of all these oil paintings are spiritual reflection on the inner state of individual.

What the characters are thinking now? What happens around? What happened before? Here are the main questions that the author asks.

V.Woody shows us true emotions and thoughts that are hiding in plain sight. If you want to see the truth, you should take a closer look.

What do you see?"