This series is inspired by Montenegro, or rather that part of Montenegro where the Jugooceanija creative cluster is located, well familiar to those who grew up in Kotor. Looking out of the window of the studio of Lyuba Ivanova at the mountains, sea, sunset and the sunrise, the midday sun, it becomes especially clear that we are a part of this beautiful world, just a part and not more. Before us and after us, this world will exist. We are part of the film from God’s camera, there is no need to be an important part in this process, just a spot on the film. All that remains is to take a deep breath and say I exist, thank you God. I exist.This series is inspired by Montenegro, or rather that part of Montenegro where the Jugooceanija creative cluster is located, well familiar to those who grew up in Kotor. Looking out of the window of the studio of Lyuba Ivanova at the mountains, sea, sunset and the sunrise, the midday sun, it becomes especially clear that we are a part of this beautiful world, just a part and not more. Before us and after us, this world will exist. We are part of the film from God’s camera, there is no need to be an important part in this process, just a spot on the film. All that remains is to take a deep breath and say I exist, thank you God. I exist.