Gavrilovich Pichugin

Russia • 1909−1999
Born in the Vladimir province in a peasant family. He worked at the glass factory from the age of 14, graduated from the rabfak, was a correspondent for the Peasant Newspaper, and from 1932 began working as a teacher in a rural school. He fought, was captured, after his release he was again at the front. Returning home, he worked as a school principal, in 1950-1956 he was repressed, after rehabilitation he again worked as a school principal, a teacher of Russian language and literature, and also taught labor lessons and a wood carving club. After retiring in 1969, he devoted his free time to creating polychrome wood reliefs, decorating them with all the walls of his house. Among the works of Pichugin, authorized copies of classical works of Russian and Western European paintings, made on the basis of reproductions, predominate, but there are also independent compositions: illustrations for works of literature and still lifes with flowers.
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