Sanchez Coello

Spain • 1531−1588

Biography and information

Origin Portuguese. He studied in Brussels at A. Mora; he was influenced by mannerism. With the 1557 – court painter of Philip II. The founder of the national Spanish school of portrait. In his works of the cold restraint of the characters, careful vypisnoy details of the costume often associated with acute veracity and integrity features: "Infanta Isabel Clara Eugenia".

Talented Spanish painter, portraitist, who worked at the court of king Philip II, Alonso sánchez Coello was born in the early 30-ies of the 16th century in Valencia. However, he spent his childhood in Portugal, where he was transported shortly after birth.


The king of Portugal joão Third had heard about the scenic abilities of the young talent and sent Sanchez Coello to Flanders, where he had to improve his art. There he remained several years, studying with Anthony Mora, the famous Dutch portraitist who worked in the courts of England, Spain and Italy.


In 1550 the painter Alonso Sanchez Coelho returned to Portugal and started working at the court, and after five years moved to Spain where he continued his studies with Mora, and when he suddenly left Madrid, was appointed court painter to the Spanish king Philip II ( 1560) and became the national portrait school.


The king highly favored to the work of Sanchez Coello, baptized his daughters, he often visited the artist's Studio, located directly in the Palace. The life of an artist was a luxury — he was the owner of a rich house with a remarkable collection of works of art, had a house outside the city of Toledo, spoke about his belonging to the wealthy strata of Spain.


Many picture Alonso Scense Coelho, however, like all other Spanish artists of those years were devoted to religious topics. They created beautiful paintings for, under construction at the time, Palace of the Escorial, but the real glory of the artist brought the art of portraiture. Sanchez Coello is simply carried out the wonderful images of his contemporaries, and created their own type of court ceremonial portrait, long flourishing in European painting.


In writing a ceremonial portrait was to be observed strict rules of courtly etiquette. The customer wanted to see the embodiment of greatness, importance, honor, aristocratic restraint and cold-blooded calm. Such created their images by Sanchez Coello. Written in full-length or knee-length, motionless figures in standard poses, with monotonous monotonous gestures and ornaments, dressed in gorgeous outfits with carefully written out the details of the jewelry and separated from the viewer invisible but quite tangible barrier.


Many of the court portraits by sánchez-Coello, was repeated in the copies and went to the courts of England, Germany, France, Austria that has generated a lot of scientific disputes and difficulties in a General study of Spanish portrait of the late 16th-early 17th centuries.


With consummate skill the artist and his talented students passed every minute detail of court clothing lace openwork pattern, patterns, satin and brocade.


Among the best portraits by Alonso Sanchez Coello — portrait of a young Princess Isabel Clara Eugenia. Full of depth and insight look of the future monarch gives you the opportunity to guess at her strength of character and clarity of mind.


Produced by Sanchez Coello canons court portrait of Spain was continued after his death by his successors and was called "Spanish formula".


In 1588 in Madrid of Alonso Sanchez Coello died.