
My art branding for Earth @ the Russian academy of art, 2023+

В подборке 2 работы • Собирает Natalia Garber

Natalia Garber is a regular contributor to my annual international conference “Geography of arts”, held by the Russian Academy of Arts in cooperation with the Russian State Humanitarian University, Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio broadcasting and Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This interdisciplinary project began at the Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage in 1994. Since then it united cultural and art historians, geographers and philosophers from all over Russia and abroad in research of all territorial problems of modern culture and contemporary art, reflection on geographical space in art and deepening into semiotics of cultural landscapes. Our speakers present the role of territorial factors in the formation of art schools, creative masterpieces and cultural heritage of different countries and international community. We share theory and practice of territorial influence of literary and pictorial works, local texts, geographical images and virtual spaces created by art. We pay particular attention to the artistic perception of cultural landscapes and perspective concepts of space in art works. “Geography of arts” presents the synthetic collection of the best practices of development of cultural landscapes and images of territories.
Natalia Garber brought into our community the passion of newest digital visions and inspiration of genius loci, acting above the exploration of spaces by top creative geniuses, mastering, using and modeling space on screens. She develops and presents the best innovations in culturological and anthropological discourse of the visual image genesis. Natalia’s creative wok and presentations are focused on sustainable transformation of creative practices from archaic to modern times, as well as the transgression of genius loci in the online media and the virtual space of the Internet.

Olga Lavrenova, leader of the annual interdisciplinary conference “Geography of Art” (1994 - till now), Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy, leading researcher at the Department of Cultural Studies at the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the International Association of Semiotics of Space and Time (IASSp+T, Switzerland), author of 200+ publications, including the monograph “Spaces and Meanings: Semantics of the Cultural Landscape” (Spinger)

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