Kuznetsova Anna D. (1898-1979) 4B Painter. Born in the town of Tudor Vladimir province, died in Moscow. In 1918-1921 he worked in construction teams (city Velaco, the factory in Seaholme). He studied at the technical school and at the higher art school at the main office (1921-1923) and the TAR (1923-1930) by A. V. Shevchenko, M. I. Rabinovich, p. P. Konchalovsky and S. V. Gerasimov, F. F., Kondratova, V. D. Buchenau, V., sakhnovskaya. Since 1929, the responsible Secretary of magazine "Art of the masses". A member of the Ahra (1929). In the years 1932-1934 lived in the homeland of her husband, a prominent public figure of Adjara, Sunyogi Murad Mamedovich Jincharadze, shot in 1937. Since 1933 A. D. Kuznetsova, Chairman of the Union RABIS of Adjara. Both participated in the design of exhibitions and festivals in Moscow.
Participant of exhibitions:
1929 – XI AChRs exhibition (in the Guide, vol. I, pp. 296 – Kuznetsov A. D.);
1931 – anti-Imperialist (Directory, t. I, p. 380);
in 1932-1933 – the exhibition of artists of Batumi (picture of "8 March in the village of Ajara", have not survived; the sketches to her donated to the Commission on the legacy of the artist in Tbilisi);
1938 – exhibition of women artists (Directory, t. II, p. 227);
31.10.1977 year – YFC (purchased from the exhibition in Tbilisi, the work "Portrait of Murad Jincharadze", see catalogue of the exhibition "100 paintings", 1980, Tbilisi Dolaberidze L.);
27.03.1980 of the year – the exhibition "Soviet Ajara" ( with this exhibition the Ministry of culture of the USSR bought for the state Tretyakov gallery "Portrait Shukri Jincharadze" – see: Rautenberg O.–. "Panorama iskusstv 4". M., 1981).
A. D. Kuznetsova are in the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow), museums of Almaty and Tbilisi, as well as in private collections in Russia and abroad.
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