Borodin Viktor Mikhailovich
He was born on February 23, 1963 in Artyomovsk.
1987 - graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Art College. Surikov.
1999 - graduated from the Krasnoyarsk State Art Institute.
2005 - member of CXP
2005 - Member of the Board of the CRO VTO CX Russia
2000 - Exhibition in Divnogorsk “Printed at the Turn of the Century” 1st Siberian exhibition of woodcuts
2002 - Participation in the exhibition "Faith without works is dead"
2003 - Personal exhibition in the gallery "Khingan"
2004 - Participation in the exhibition of the association of woodcuts in Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Moscow.
2007 - Participation in the exhibition "1001 woodcut" In China, Beijing, Harbin.
2008 - Participation in the exhibition "Tungus star" in St. Petersburg.
2008 - Participation in the exhibition of watercolors in Kasnojarsk.
2008 - Participation in the regional exhibition in Novosibirsk.
2009 - Personal exhibition in Berlin Gallery "GRUSIGNAC".
2013 - Interregional Exhibition "Yenisei-Angara"
2014 - Interregional exhibition "Angara-Yenisei: the great rivers of Siberian art"
2018 - Interregional art exhibition in Novokuznetsk "SIBERIA-XII"
2018 - Interregional art exhibition of the Siberian landscape "Motherland-Siberia"
Works are in foreign private collections (Germany. China). Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore.
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