She was born in 1974 in Leningrad.
1998. – member of the Union of artists of Russia.
A graduate of State Academic Institute. I. E. Repin (workshop V. A. Vetrogonsky, head N. G. Lomakin, diploma work - series of Akvareli and lithographs "Holiday expectations" rating - excellent, qualified graphic artist).
Since 1999. – member of the International Union of Watercolors.
1998. – winner of the "Young Muse of Saint-Petersburg".
In 2001. Alina Lisova was awarded the Presidential scholarship.
For the past 16 years, is an active participant
creative ethnographic expeditions on the North of Russia.
2001. – member of the Creative Educational Center "Russian
North. Artists of Russia of the XX-XXI centuries."
Regular participant of seasonal exhibitions of the Union of Artists of Russia in Saint-Petersburg.
1993. held 12 solo exhibitions, including :
- 1995. Smolny Cathedral (Saint Petersburg)
- 1998. Dusseldorf (Germany)
- 2001., Central house of artists (Moscow)
- 2001. art gallery of "Plaza Radisson Slavyanskaya" (Moscow)
- 2001. New York (USA)
- 2002. the state Museum of Urban sculpture (Saint-Petersburg)
- 2002. Museum of I. V. Brodsky (St. Petersburg)
- 2004. Helsinki (Finland)
- 2008. art gallery "Marchesi de Frescobaldi", Florence (Italy)
1999-2008. – participant of the International Biennale of the Union of Artists.
2006. 2008. party 2-th and 3-th all-Russian exhibition of watercolors.
2008. party of 3-th International exhibition of watercolors "Aquabiennale 2008"
The works of Alina Loess are in museums of Russia and private collections in USA, France, Italy and Russia, as well as in the offices of the Administration of St. Petersburg and in Russian banks.