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His creative work I began in 1965 during his studies at the Penza Art College named after K.A. Savitsky. My first works, a series of watercolors "Always in formation", were exhibited at the regional art exhibition in the city of Penza. Actively participated in all-Russian, zonal and regional art exhibitions. Historical, military-patriotic theme became one of the major in my work. Since 1993, the results of creative and exhibition activity, I was adopted as a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. The subjects of my monumental works were historical events in the life of the city of Simbirsk - Ulyanovsk in the early twentieth century. For the large hall of the Palace of Children's Art I restored portraits of members of the Ulyanov family. My creative paintings are in the collections of the Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum, the A.A. Plastov Museum of Contemporary Art in Ulyanovsk, in private collections in Russia and abroad (France, USA, England, Germany, Singapore). From achievements additionally - in 2016. was awarded the silver medal of the Union of Artists of Russia. In 2017 I was awarded the title of honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts and the gold medal of the Russian Academy of Arts for many years of creative and exhibition work and activities to promote the visual arts. In 2021 I was awarded the Gold Medal of the Union of Artists of Russia.