He was born and died in Borovichi. Studied at the School of technical drawing of Baron Alexander Stieglitz (1907 to 1909), not graduated. Participant I-St World war (1914-1918). Worked as a graphic artist and cartoonist in the magazine "the Whole world" (Petrograd, 1917), "Sailor", "Gunner" (Helsingfors, 1917).
Since 1918 – in Borovichi. Painting on the revolutionary theme. A lot of work "1917" was acquired by the Museum of the Revolution in Petrograd. Since 1924 – member of the AChRs (Association of artists of the revolution), organized borovichskiy branch of the AHR, whose members were engaged in visual agitation (panels, posters, etc.), organization of art exhibitions, decorations for revolutionary holidays of the columns, demos, and buildings.
His drawings, caricatures and illustrations published in Newspapers and magazines in the Moscow magazine "Lapot", the Leningrad newspaper "stalinets" in Borovichi the newspaper "Red sparkle" and the magazine "Collective surge".
In 1936-1939 he graduated from the correspondence course of drawing and painting in Moscow. At the end of the 1930s, 1940, he taught painting and drawing in borovichskiy schools.
In 1941-1943 he served as an artist-correspondent in the army newspaper "the Fighting red army".
From 1947 he was a member of the Union of artists, participant of city, regional and regional exhibitions; organizer and head of the art Studio in Borovichi: in the Regional House in native art (1946-1949), at the municipal House of culture (1960-ies).
The artist's works are stored in the Novgorod state United Museum-reserve, in the Borovichi Museum of local lore ("the Storming of Izmail"(1940-1941), "the cathedrals" (1920s), numerous drawings). Many of the artist's work after his death went to private collections, much has been lost.