see also: Vakhrushev Theodosius M.
The volunteer at the Academy of Arts from 1888; a student with 1893, Received medals: small silver-1890; two large and small silver-1891; 5 Nov 1894-the title of class artist of the 3rd degree for the painting "Saint George and his servant." (Kondakov)
Russian painter, ethnographer. Born in the city of tot'ma in middle class family. After the end of the Totma district school in 1885, Vakhrushov entered the school of painting, sculpture and architecture at the Academy of fine arts, studied painting in the workshop of M. V. Vasilyev and Ilya Repin. In 1898 he was awarded the title of class artist third degree. From 1898 to 1914 he traveled widely, working on paintings of a number of churches, including assumption Cathedral of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Since 1914, continuously lived and worked in the city, took an active part in the creation of the Totma regional Museum, for the exhibition which has performed hundreds of drawings, watercolors, paintings. Work Vahrusheva repeatedly exhibited at art exhibitions in Petersburg, Moscow, Ekaterinodar, all the exhibitions "the Northern mug lovers of fine arts" in Vologda.
In 1919-11922. on the instructions of the Vologda Museum Vakhrushev took part in the registration, description and export of works of art from the Totma district, mainly from Kokshenga. With the mandate of the Department of education for the registration and acquisition of art collections he traveled to the most remote and distant places of the Vologda region, brought folk art to Vologda and Totma museums (tamping Board, samples of peasant utensils, spinning wheels), made sketches of wooden churches, architecturally interesting houses, mills.
As an artist Vakhrushov known for his landscapes most of which are written in Totma. His wonderful lyrical paintings, "Over the river Sukhona," "Christ on the Kokshenga, Autumn on the Sukhona", "Sukhona. Autumn, Autumn totemsky district". Works Vahrusheva located in the Vologda picture gallery, Vologda Museum, in art museums in Gorky, Kharkov, Krasnodar, in the research Museum of the Academy of arts. In Totma local lore Museum houses more than 200 of his works. The creativity of F. M. Vahrusheva dedicated to one of the departments of the Museum.
Died F. M. Vakhrushev in December 1931 in the city of tot'ma and was buried in the town cemetery.
Borusevych house built in 1906 according to the plan of F. M. Vahrusheva.
The house is two-storied, wooden, chopped, on a brick Foundation. Crowning cornice with a large removal with carved corbels simple pattern. Window openings are framed by flat architraves. Significant rearrangements in the house was not made.
The house has a marble plaque with the text: "In this house from 1914 to 1931. the artist lived Theodosia M. Vakhrushev 1870-1931".