Santa Claus and the Daughter of the Oath

Ivan Kudo • 绘画, 2021-第 , 180×160 厘米
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艺术类型: 绘画
题材和对象:: 神话画
创造日期: 2021-第
大小: 180×160 厘米
主人: Ivan Kudo

画作描述 «Santa Claus and the Daughter of the Oath»

According to the Bible, Bathsheba was a woman of rare beauty. King David, walking on the roof of his palace, saw Bathsheba bathing below. Her husband, Uriah the Hittite, was away from home at the time, serving in David's army. Bathsheba did not try to seduce the king, as the biblical text attests. But David was seduced by Bathsheba's beauty and ordered that she be taken to the palace. As a result of their relationship, she became pregnant. Later, David wrote a letter to the commander of Uriah's army ordering him to place Uriah where there would be "the fiercest battle, and withdraw from him, that he may be smitten and die"
The author reconciles, two characters from different mythological worlds, tired of the apples of discord of the world.
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