画作描述 «The Inundation of The Biesbosch in 1421»
18 (19?) Nov 1421 was the second Saint Elizabeth's flood in the Netherlands.
On this day, Holland suffered the largest in five centuries, a catastrophic flood caused by storm "by the tide of St. Elizabeth" (the day the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of the daughter of the Hungarian king andrás II of Elizabeth of Thuringia). To the South-West of Dordrecht persecuted fierce West wind the waters of the North sea are faced with rising from the rain colliding waters of the Maas and the Waal. The whole system of dams were destroyed, and one day in the extremely densely populated region of the water was 72 villages. 100 thousand people drowned. The few survivors, including, according to legend, one baby in the cradle, made on a small piece of land, called Kindergym ("Children's dike"). When the water subsided, in the place of villages and fields were left "archipelago" overgrown with reeds of the marshy Islands called Biesbosch ("Reed forest").