Geopolitical child observing the birth of a new person

Salvador Dali • Painting, 1943, 32×46 cm
About the artwork
This artwork was added since it is referred to in the materials below
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Allegorical scene
Style of art: Surrealism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1943
Size: 32×46 cm
Content 18+
Artwork in selections: 22 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
Portrait Of Gala
Portrait Of Gala
1977, 35×27 cm
Dali, with his back turned, painting a portrait of Gala, his back turned and is perpetuated in six virtual roguishly temporarily reflected in six mirrors
Dali, with his back turned, painting a portrait of Gala, his back turned and is perpetuated in six virtual roguishly temporarily reflected in six mirrors
1973, 60×60 cm
Giraffe in Flammen
Giraffe in Flammen
1937, 35×27 cm
Geodesic portrait of Gala
Geodesic portrait of Gala
1936, 21×27 cm
Tauromachia. Stierkampf
Tauromachia. Stierkampf
Мадонна Порт-Льигата
Мадонна Порт-Льигата
1950, 275×209 cm
Portrait of Gala against the light
Portrait of Gala against the light
1965, 37×34 cm
The Madonna Of Port Lligat
The Madonna Of Port Lligat
1949, 368×246 cm
Phantom des Sexappeals
Phantom des Sexappeals
1934, 17.9×13.9 cm
Veröffentlichungen zum Kunstwerk
Empfohlene Kunstwerke:
George Alexandre Vagan. Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
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Xenia Keith. Морская рапсодия, от гребня к штилю. Диптих.
  • Werbung
Морская рапсодия, от гребня к штилю. Диптих.
2025, 70×180 cm
Alexei Vladimirovich Shevchuk. В поиске себя
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В поиске себя
2025, 70×70 cm
Оксана Токарева. 9 кругов чего?
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9 кругов чего?
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Tatiana Gogoloshvili. Outlook.
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2024, 50×70 cm
Olga Shatskaya. Indian ringed parrot
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Indian ringed parrot
2025, 40×40 cm
Polina Razumova. Still life with grapefruit
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Still life with grapefruit
2022, 35×25 cm