Поэзия Америки

Salvador Dali • Painting, 1943, 116×79 cm
About the artwork
This artwork was added since it is referred to in the materials below
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Allegorical scene
Style of art: Surrealism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1943
Size: 116×79 cm
Region: Figueras
Location: Figueras
Artwork in selections: 25 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
Gare de Perpignan
Gare de Perpignan
1965, 295×406 cm
Portrait Of Katharina Cornell
Portrait Of Katharina Cornell
The oil sketch for the painting "the Hallucinogenic toreador"
The oil sketch for the painting "the Hallucinogenic toreador"
1969, 398.8×299.7 cm
Женщина у окна в Фигерасе
Женщина у окна в Фигерасе
1926, 21.5×21 cm
Christ Gala
Christ Gala
1978, 100×100 cm
Foot guls, right panel
Foot guls, right panel
1974, 60×60 cm
1982, 99×100 cm
Ecumenical Council
Ecumenical Council
1960, 299×254 cm
Double Image for "Destino"
Double Image for "Destino"
Dali, with his back turned, painting a portrait of Gala, his back turned and is perpetuated in six virtual roguishly temporarily reflected in six mirrors
Dali, with his back turned, painting a portrait of Gala, his back turned and is perpetuated in six virtual roguishly temporarily reflected in six mirrors
1973, 60×60 cm
Publication à propos de l'œuvre
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