Doubt of the poet

Giorgio de Chirico • Painting, 1913, 106×94 cm
About the artwork
This artwork was added since it is referred to in the materials below
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape, Allegorical scene
Style of art: Metaphysical painting
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1913
Size: 106×94 cm
Artwork in selections: 10 selections
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Other artworks by this artist
Warriors and philosophers
Warriors and philosophers
1928, 63×53 cm
Il Ritornante
Il Ritornante
1918, 94×77.9 cm
Metaphysical Selfportrait
Metaphysical Selfportrait
1919, 60×50.5 cm
Minerva Head with Peach and Bunch
Minerva Head with Peach and Bunch
1947, 59×48 cm
Metaphysical interior with a statue in profile
Metaphysical interior with a statue in profile
1962, 80×65 cm
Poet and artist
Poet and artist
1975, 100×81 cm
Sketch of the scenery for the play "Ball"
Sketch of the scenery for the play "Ball"
Ljubezenska pesem
Ljubezenska pesem
1914, 59×73 cm
Orpheus - Tired Troubadour
Orpheus - Tired Troubadour
Melancholy and the mystery of the street
Melancholy and the mystery of the street
1914, 87×71.5 cm
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