Special party

Riley Sawicki • Photography, , 72×72 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Photography
Subject and objects: Portrait
Style of art: Portreti
: Oil
Materials: Paper
Date of creation:
Size: 72×72 cm

Description of the artwork «Special party»

https://www.ArtPal.com/Vietnamesenpc?i=283305-4&r=283305My brother went to a party today, so I took a very clear picture of him with the sharp Canon EOS 6D Mark II kit EF24-105mm F4 L IS II USM to create the picture. Great. He stood with a posture to the left, he wore an environmental protection mask, put on a polite shirt. He seems so much cooler

Upload artpal: 12/2/2020
Art: Riley Sawicki
Owner & author belongs to Riley Sawicki
Photographer by Riley Sawicki
Address: California, USA
Contact phone number: +14844731576
Author contact email: vietnamese.npc@hotmail.com

Copyright, reproduction, publication and preservation of all photographs are reserved and exclusive of Riley Sawicki, may not save, copy, publish or use any images without permission

Copyright Riley Sawicki 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Do not copy, reproduce, download or use in any way without permission