Portrait of the singer Carlo Broschi by the name of Farinelli

Якопо Амигони • Painting, 1734, 172×245 cm
About the artwork
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Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape, Portrait, Nude, Architecture
Style of art: Rococo
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1734
Size: 172×245 cm
Artwork in collection: Jacopo Amigoni leonid legeev
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Other artworks by this artist
Peter I
Peter I
1750, 210×139 cm
Princess Maria Antonia Fernanda, daughter of Philip V
Princess Maria Antonia Fernanda, daughter of Philip V
1750, 103×84 cm
Portrait of Carlo Maria Broschi, Farinelli
Portrait of Carlo Maria Broschi, Farinelli
XVIII century
Portrait of Carlo Broschi, nicknamed Farinelli (1705-1782)
Portrait of Carlo Broschi, nicknamed Farinelli (1705-1782)
XVIII century, 76×63 cm
Portrait of a lady
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1729, 29×24 cm
A man's head in a turban
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XVIII century, 57×39 cm
Portrait of Charles Christian Erdmann, Duke of Wurttemberg-Ols (1716-1792)
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XVIII century, 79×63 cm
Portrait of Caroline of Ansbach (1683-1737)
Portrait of Caroline of Ansbach (1683-1737)
1735, 243×152 cm
Portrait of a Lady as Diana
Portrait of a Lady as Diana
1750, 128×94 cm
Singer Farinelli and friends
Singer Farinelli and friends
1750, 172×245 cm
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