
France • I century−1445

Henri Belches in the altar paintings sought to the vitality of the figures, the proper construction of the space, the realistic treatment of landscape and interior.

The artist was in the service of the Duke of Burgundy with по1440 1415/44 gg

In 1416 the work was written "Penalty SV.Dionysius" (the altarpiece). To the left of Trinity St. Dionysius gets out of hand Christ's last rites before heading Apostle to Gaul; to the right he and his assistants Rusticus and Lateron takes a Martyr's death beheaded them. The picture was painted in 1415-1416 years for the monastery Anmol the last representative "of the Franco-Flemish school", which flourished in 1380-1420 years at the court of Duke of Burgundy in Dijon.

Died Henri Bellos 1444году.

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