Self portrait and portrait of Pyotr Konchalovsky

Ilya Mashkov • Painting, 1910, 270×208 cm
About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Portrait
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1910
Size: 270×208 cm
Artwork in selections:

Description of the artwork «Self portrait and portrait of Pyotr Konchalovsky»

Portrait of Mashkov and Konchalovsky's can be considered software. It displays one of the new trends of the art of the time: the proclamation of the triumph of the flesh, demonstrative physicality. "Obnovlentsy" built the body in the cult. The picture before us athletically folded, almost Nude beautiful artists.

The portrait represents a challenge to the academic approach and symbolism, claiming in "sky high". Around muscle weights, and next to the piano. Dressed in black trunks Mashkov's going to play the violin, and Konchalovsky (wear something similar!) holds sheet. What, what, and detachment from earthly spheres depicted artists is clearly not to blame. This is a popular "babewarehouse" the trend is to draw yourself (or not yourself) deliberately earthly, material, firmly standing on his feet. We can observe this approach in written works "The portrait of Pasabahce futurist Vasily Kamensky", "Self-portrait with yellow lilies" Natalia Goncharova, ironic "The portrait of a great artist"Aristarchus Lentulov.

Body Mashkov and Konchalovsky exposed deliberately exaggerated – what are carefully drawn swollen biceps! On the table – remnants of drinking either tea or coffee and a bottle, obviously not juice. And at the same time – piano, violin, painting in the background of the book. To divide the world into spiritual and physical, the high and low will not succeed. See the spines of books. What read artists-bodybuilders? Monograph Cezanne The Bible, books about art, Ancient Greece. "We – there. And we have new art. To dismiss from us will not succeed"– said his painting Ilya Mashkov.

Author: Alain Esaulova
Other artworks by this artist
View of the Genoese fortress in Sudak
View of the Genoese fortress in Sudak
1917, 90×82 cm
Portrait V.P. Vinogradovaya
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1909, 128×144 cm
Three sisters on the couch. Portrait of N., L. and E. Samoylov
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1911, 256×197 cm
1920, 115×140 cm
Still life
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83×62 cm
Stillleben mit einer Puppe. (Porzellankopf)
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1922, 96×76 cm
XX Jahrhundert
Still life. Flowers in a vase
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89×124 cm
1911, 53×71 cm
Stillleben mit Schilf
Stillleben mit Schilf
1910, 144×70 cm
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