Hudson landscape

Albert Birštadt • Painting, 1860, 10.2×15.2 cm
About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Landscape
Style of art: Realism, Neo-romanticism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Cardboard
Date of creation: 1860
Size: 10.2×15.2 cm
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Other artworks by this artist
Lower falls, Yellowstone (II)
Lower falls, Yellowstone (II)
1881, 48.9×34.2 cm
Seals on the rocks, Farallones Islands
Seals on the rocks, Farallones Islands
1887, 76.2×115 cm
Rocky mountains, lander peak
Rocky mountains, lander peak
1869, 64.1×86.3 cm
Storm in the Rocky mountains, mount Rosalie. Fragment
Storm in the Rocky mountains, mount Rosalie. Fragment
1866, 210.8×361.3 cm
Deer at sunset
Deer at sunset
1860-е , 35.5×49.5 cm
Among the mountains of the Sierra Nevada, California
Among the mountains of the Sierra Nevada, California
1868, 183×305 cm
Digital copy
Four rainbows over Niagara falls
Four rainbows over Niagara falls
1860-е , 31.7×46.3 cm
Immigrants crossing the plains. Fragment
Immigrants crossing the plains. Fragment
1867, 152.4×243.8 cm
The coast of the river Platte, ne
The coast of the river Platte, ne
1864, 30.5×45.7 cm
Indian camp
Indian camp
1859, 33.6×45.1 cm
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