Autumn shore (sketch)

Vladimir • Arte grafica, Gennaio 2024, 12×18 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
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Disciplina artistica: Arte grafica
Soggetto e oggetti: Paesaggio, Paesaggio marino
Tecnica: Matita
Materiali: Carta, Matita di piombo
Data di creazione: Gennaio 2024
Dimensioni: 12×18 cm
Titolare: Vladimir

Descrizione dell'opera «Autumn shore (sketch)»

2024, paper, 18x12 cm, pencil
Author: Vladimir Trukhin

The fall shoreline after a rainstorm.
The background is the distant converging shores against a bright patch of sky between the water's edge and low rain clouds.
The middle plan is an array of forest with bright autumn crowns of trees and bushes against the background of tall fir trees.
The foreground is the shoreline of a sandy beach being washed up by the light surf.
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