Dreams based on Gustav Klimt

Олеся Нищук • Pittura, Marzo 2023, 30×40 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Tecnica: Acrilico
Materiali: Tela, Cartone, Acrilico
Data di creazione: Marzo 2023
Dimensioni: 30×40 cm

Descrizione del quadro «Dreams based on Gustav Klimt»

Painting in the style of Gustav Klimt - in warm colors using iridescent acrylic (gold, bronze). With different lighting and foreshortening the colors play with different warm-cool shades. This picture will be good for a bedroom or a living room and will amaze your guests. And the plot will bring coziness and warmth into the interior. Canvas on cardboard, 30x40 cm, acrylic and acrylic pearlescent paint (gold, bronze).
Інші роботи художника
Ночь по мотивам Ван Гога
Ночь по мотивам Ван Гога
Лютий 2023, 30×40 см