Born in Kovno (Kaunas) in 1909.
In 1929 he graduated from the Vitebsk art College. Then, from 1929 to 1934 he studied at the Moscow polygraphic Institute, Sergey Gerasimov, Alexander Deineka and N. Udaltsova. Until 1929 he lived in Vitebsk and then moved to Moscow. From 1927 he took an active part in regional, Republican and all-Union art exhibitions.
During the great Patriotic war he served in the political Department of the 3rd Ukrainian front in the rank of captain. Awarded military orders and medals. Member of the CPSU since 1944.
1934 participant in all major trade fairs, povedeshsya in the USSR. 1938 - member of the artists Union of the USSR. At one time he headed the party organization of the painting section Mosch.
The result of the creative journey of the artist in Berdyansk in 1936 was a series of paintings of "the Fishermen of Azov", as a result of a trip to the Donbass - "portrait of a noble steelworker Korobov".
In 1979 he held a solo exhibition of the artist in Moscow. Cm. article "Gregory Gordon"
G. M. Gordon was awarded the diploma of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and also certificates of honour and diplomas MOSH RSFSR.
Major works: the series "Azov Fishermen" 1936. the painting "the Poets of the revolutionary years" 1964 "Talk about music" (composers D. Kobalevsky, T. Khrennikov, A. Khachaturian and Shostakovich) 1972-75гг., "Generals of the civil war" in the same period.
In addition G. M. Gordon known as a master of portraiture, landscape and still life.
He died in 1995 in Moscow.
The work of Grigory Meerovich Gordon are in museums of Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod, as well as in private collections in Russia, England, Spain and the United States.
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