Lisa Ray - Watermelon Glow

Lisa Ray • Pittura, 2024, 50×40 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
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Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Fantasy
Stile: Surrealismo
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 2024
Dimensioni: 50×40 cm
Titolare: Lisa Ray
Opera nelle compilazioni: 3 selections

Descrizione del quadro «Lisa Ray - Watermelon Glow»

In 2024, there were a lot of northern lights in watermelon colors and this phenomenon is reflected in this work.
The painting depicts hands holding a huge slice of watermelon against the background of space. They act as a link between the world of people and nature, emphasizing the importance of maintaining harmony with the surrounding world. The watermelon slice itself is transformed into the cityscape of St. Petersburg, where we see the universally recognizable divorced Palace Bridge. The beauty of the natural phenomenon is complemented by the beauty created by human hands. The sky, decorated with the northern lights, passes into a fathomless space. And the seeds of the watermelon slice with this transition turn into stars. This work tells about the majesty and beauty of nature, about admiration of such phenomenon as the northern lights and is a reflection on the place of man in the world, how we perceive and interpret the beauty around us.
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