Scenes from the life of Christ: the Annunciation

Фра Беато Анджелико • Pittura, 1450, 38.5×37 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Pittura sacra
Tecnica: Tempera
Materiali: Albero
Data di creazione: 1450
Dimensioni: 38.5×37 cm
Opera nelle compilazioni: 5 selections
Per il momento la descrizione di questa opera non è ancora disponibile. Probabilmente verrà aggiunta più tardi. Segui gli aggiornamenti dell'Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
Saint Dominic animates Napoleone Orsini. Preamble of the altar of San Domenico "Coronation of the Virgin"
Saint Dominic animates Napoleone Orsini. Preamble of the altar of San Domenico "Coronation of the Virgin"
The burial of Christ. The altar of the monastery of San Marco. Limit 4 (center)
The burial of Christ. The altar of the monastery of San Marco. Limit 4 (center)
1440, 38×46 cm
Two Dominicans accept Christ in the form of a pilgrim. Fresco of the Monastery of San Marco, Florence
Two Dominicans accept Christ in the form of a pilgrim. Fresco of the Monastery of San Marco, Florence
Praying for the Chalice. Maria and Martha. Fresco of the Monastery of San Marco, Florence
Praying for the Chalice. Maria and Martha. Fresco of the Monastery of San Marco, Florence
1441, 177×147 cm
Digital copy
Crucifixion A spear strike. Fresco of the Monastery of San Marco, Florence
Crucifixion A spear strike. Fresco of the Monastery of San Marco, Florence
1441, 196×199 cm
Digital copy
Distribution of alms by St. Lawrence. Fresco of the Niccolin Chapel
Distribution of alms by St. Lawrence. Fresco of the Niccolin Chapel
1449, 271×205 cm
Sermon of St. Dominic and the miracle of the book. Preamble of the altar of San Domenico "Coronation of the Virgin"
Sermon of St. Dominic and the miracle of the book. Preamble of the altar of San Domenico "Coronation of the Virgin"
Healing of Yustenian by Saints Cosma and Damian. The altar of the monastery of San Marco. Limit, right side
Healing of Yustenian by Saints Cosma and Damian. The altar of the monastery of San Marco. Limit, right side
1440, 37×45 cm
Digital copy
Husband of Sorrow. Preamble of the altar of San Domenico "Coronation of the Virgin"
Husband of Sorrow. Preamble of the altar of San Domenico "Coronation of the Virgin"
Incoronazione di Maria Vergine
Incoronazione di Maria Vergine
1435, 114×112 cm
Digital copy
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