Sergeevich Prisekin

Ukraine • nato a 1928

Honored artist of the RSFSR, laureate of the State prize of the RSFSR behalf I. E. Repin. Military artist Studio of. M. B. Grekov, the author of the paintings and dioramas on military-Patriotic theme. One of the participants in the restoration of the panorama FA Roubaud "battle of Borodino" was Born in 1928 in the village of Borinskoe chastaya Dubrava district of Lipetsk region. Studied in 1942-1947. in the Moscow art-industrial school im. M. I. Kalinin, S. F. Nikolaev, B. N. Lange, E. G. Celakovskeho, V. N. Baksheeva, Participant of art exhibitions since 1952. Major works: "Volochaevskaya battle" (1963, Redwood art gallery), "the Last of Ravelin" (1965, the Central Museum of the Armed forces of the USSR), "Baltic Atlanta" (1968, Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the USSR), diorama: "the Alpine campaign of Alexander Suvorov" (1952, Museum-preserve of A. V. Suvorov in Konchanskoe-suvorovskoe, Novgorod region, together with F. P. Osipenko, I. T., Maltsev, V. I. Pereyaslavets, A. by I. Intizarova), "Battle of Kursk" (1956, Kursk, together with P. I. Sigismund), "Storm of Sapun mountain" (1959, Sebastopol, together with P. T. Maltsev, G. Marchenko), "Crossing the great river in 1944" (1960, Pskov, together with V. K. Dmitrievskiy), "Combat air assault Vyazma the winter of 1942" (1970, Museum of airborne troops in Ryazan, in conjunction with P. T. Maltsev), "Battle for Kiev" (1973, Bukrinsky bridgehead near Kiev).

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Tempi duri
1984, 175×135 cm
Marshals dell'Unione Sovietica G.K. Zhukov e K.K. Rokossovsky sulla Piazza Rossa 24 giugno 1945
Marshals dell'Unione Sovietica G.K. Zhukov e K.K. Rokossovsky sulla Piazza Rossa 24 giugno 1945
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