
Anna Yurievna Komar • Arte contemporanea, Giugno 2022, 25×25×2 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
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Disciplina artistica: Arte contemporanea
Soggetto e oggetti: Paesaggio
Tecnica: Acrilico
Materiali: Albero
Data di creazione: Giugno 2022
Dimensioni: 25×25×2 cm
Regione: Khabarovsk

Descrizione dell'opera «No.2»

Composition no.2 from the collection of artist - interior designer Anna Komar "An ash-covered sky over a charred forest".

The painting is painted in the style of abstract painting. The asymmetrical composition is executed in a monochromatic palette: from deep black, passing into brown, to light gray matte acrylic. The composition is dominated by black color, conveying depth and saturation, creating a sense of immersion and mystery. All the color patches transition from one to the other in a gradient. In addition to the color patches, there is a quartz sand texture, creating a stone porous base.

The title of the collection can interpret the meaning both visually and philosophically. The story takes us into a static and fluidly dynamic melancholic mood.
Other artworks by this artist
No. 4
No. 4
2023, 50×80 cm
No. 9
No. 9
2023, 60×60 cm
Juin 2022, 25×25×2 cm
No. 12
No. 12
2023, 60×60 cm
No. 10
No. 10
2023, 60×60 cm
No. 6
No. 6
2023, 60×60 cm
No. 7
No. 7
2023, 60×60 cm
No. 11
No. 11
2023, 60×60 cm
No. 3
No. 3
2022, 60×60 cm
Juillet 2022, 17×17×0.3 cm
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