Fallen trees over a mountain stream

Albert Birštadt • Pittura, 1860, 47.6×65.4 cm
Informazioni sull'opera
Disciplina artistica: Pittura
Soggetto e oggetti: Paesaggio
Tecnica: Olio
Materiali: Tela
Data di creazione: 1860
Dimensioni: 47.6×65.4 cm
Per il momento la descrizione di questa opera non è ancora disponibile. Probabilmente verrà aggiunta più tardi. Segui gli aggiornamenti dell'Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
The hilly landscape. CA
The hilly landscape. CA
1872, 48.3×67.3 cm
Digital copy
Evening in the Prairie. Fragment
Evening in the Prairie. Fragment
1870, 81.3×123 cm
Digital copy
Wetterhorn, Colorado
Wetterhorn, Colorado
1857, 151.1×120.6 cm
Lunar landscape
Lunar landscape
1860-er , 38.1×27.9 cm
Rocca de Secca, Italy
Rocca de Secca, Italy
A view in the Bahamas
A view in the Bahamas
1879, 35.2×48.6 cm
Mountain lake in Grand Tithonian
Mountain lake in Grand Tithonian
1888, 76.8×112.4 cm
Four rainbows over Niagara falls
Four rainbows over Niagara falls
1860-er , 31.7×46.3 cm
A river landscape. Night over the valley
A river landscape. Night over the valley
1867, 76.8×127 cm
In The Sierra Nevada. The view of the river Carson
In The Sierra Nevada. The view of the river Carson
Empfohlene Kunstwerke:
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Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
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Xenia Keith. Морская рапсодия, от гребня к штилю. Диптих.
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Морская рапсодия, от гребня к штилю. Диптих.
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9 кругов чего?
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A kitten in a pond
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Оксана Токарева. Квартирный вопрос только испортил их
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