Wheat field with crows

Vincent van Gogh • Peinture, Juillet 1890, 50.5×103 cm
Digital copy: 6.8 MB
7762 × 3718 px • JPEG
50 × 24.5 cm • 385 dpi
131.4 × 63.0 cm • 150 dpi
65.7 × 31.5 cm • 300 dpi
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À propos de l'œuvre
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Paysage, Scène allégorique
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: Juillet 1890
Taille: 50.5×103 cm
Œuvre dans les sélections: 182 selections
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Histoire des expositions

Descriptif de la toile «Wheat field with crows»

Picture "Wheatfield with crows" long considered the last work that Vincent wrote before killing himself. In heavy storm the sky, circling ominously low to the ground black birds and empty road receding into the distance, art historians and connoisseurs of art by van Gogh saw a hint of a clear intention as soon as possible to leave this mortal world.

However, the exact no evidence for this. Work on that painting, Vincent allegedly made July 10, 1890, after which finished "The town hall at Auvers"and "The Garden Daubigny".

The painting is rough, almost sloppy strokes. The impression that Vincent had created the painting in despair. This is confirmed written by the artist words: "Returning there, I set to work. The brush almost fell from his hands... it was not difficult to portray the sadness and extreme loneliness".

Even in such a depressed van Gogh finds the strength and desire to write. He again uses the favorite colors blue and yellow. But the sky here seems dirty and the color of wheat – painful and speaking more about aging than about the maturity and fertility. From the point where he sees the landscape artist and the viewer, in different directions three roads. Good, it would have to symbolize the freedom of choice, hope and perspectives. However, all three paths lead nowhere. Lacking only the proverbial stone from the tale that tells where you need to go to lose yourself. Van Gogh, however, there were no clues. After 17 days after the completion of that painting, Vincent shot himself in the chest on this very field.

Author: Eugene Sidelnikov
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25.06.1889, 62.5×46.4 cm
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Juin 1889, 73.1×92.1 cm
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Août 1886, 54.5×46 cm
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Décembre 1888, 63.5×51 cm
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Red Vineyards at Arles
Novembre 1888, 73×91 cm
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The windmill on Monmatre
1886, 38×46.5 cm
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Publication à propos de l'œuvre
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