À propos de l'œuvre
Type d'art: Peinture
Courant artistique: Baroque
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: L'arbre
Date de création: 1639
Taille: 40×32 cm
Œuvre dans les sélections: 9 selections
Pour le moment cette œuvre n'a pas de descriptif. Il est possible qu'il apparaisse plus tard. Suivez les mises à jour dans Artchive.
Other artworks by this artist
Nude artist's model, leaning his hands on the cart
Nude artist's model, leaning his hands on the cart
1656, 19×14.5 cm
Bathing Diana
Bathing Diana
1631, 17.8×16 cm
Samson and Delilah
Samson and Delilah
1630, 61.3×50.1 cm
Nude model in profile
Nude model in profile
1656, 16.3×15.8 cm
Digital copy
The Portrait Of Jan Six's
The Portrait Of Jan Six's
1654, 112×102 cm
Digital copy
Portrait of Titus in monk garb
Portrait of Titus in monk garb
1660, 79.5×67.7 cm
Digital copy
The Preaching Of John The Baptist
The Preaching Of John The Baptist
1634, 62×80 cm
Portrait of a man in Oriental dress
Portrait of a man in Oriental dress
1633, 85.8×63.8 cm
1652, 112.1×81 cm
Digital copy
The Abduction Of Ganymede
The Abduction Of Ganymede
1635, 177×129 cm
Digital copy
Œuvres recommandées
George Alexandre Vagan. Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
40×30 cm
Оксана Токарева. 9 кругов чего?
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9 кругов чего?
80×60 cm
Polina Razumova. A kitten in a pond
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A kitten in a pond
2024, 40×60 cm
Xenia Keith. Морская рапсодия, от гребня к штилю. Диптих.
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Морская рапсодия, от гребня к штилю. Диптих.
2025, 70×180 cm
Оксана Токарева. Квартирный вопрос только испортил их
  • Publicité
Квартирный вопрос только испортил их
2025, 70×80 cm
Alexei Vladimirovich Shevchuk. В поиске себя
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В поиске себя
2025, 70×70 cm
Tatiana Gogoloshvili. Outlook.
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2024, 50×70 cm
Olga Shatskaya. Indian ringed parrot
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Indian ringed parrot
2025, 40×40 cm
Polina Razumova. Still life with grapefruit
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Still life with grapefruit
2022, 35×25 cm