By water

Daria Motovilova • Art contemporain, 2022, 75×55×2 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
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Type d'art: Art contemporain
Sujet et objets: Paysage, Scène allégorique
Courant artistique: Le pop art
Ressources: Isorel sur l'image
Date de création: 2022
Taille: 75×55×2 cm
Propriétaire: Daria Motovilova
Œuvre dans les sélections: 4 selections

Descriptif de l'œuvre «By water»

The "Dymkovo Motives" series is inspired by
the ancient tradition of creating
Dymkovo clay toys.
In my paintings I have tried to convey
traditional motifs of patterns and colors,
as well as the invariable rhombuses with
using the potale. In the painting "By the Water," I wanted to
create a fairy tale story that has
not only a Vyatka character, but also the main
the hero of Russian folk tales, the bear.
Inspiration came from my favorite
illustrations by artist Yuri Vasnetsov.
According to the story, every night the water-bearer lady
comes to the ice hole for water. It attracts
the attention of a bear living in the woods,
on the far shore. He often watches her
from behind a tree and listens to how quiet and beautiful she
humming something to himself. And he thinks he'll never
i've never seen a lovelier creature.
The young lady is perplexed, "What a silly bear! He thinks I don't notice him." One beautiful moonlit evening he,
yet, he decides to approach the stranger and give her flowers. This is where the narrative ends. But perhaps,
a tender briar bush hints at the beginning of a new story.
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