La résurrection de Lazare

Duccio di Buoninsegna • Peinture, 1311, 43.5×46.4 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Scène religieuse
Courant artistique: Проторенессанс
Technique: Tempera, Or
Ressources: L'arbre
Date de création: 1311
Taille: 43.5×46.4 cm
Œuvre dans les sélections: 3 selections
Pour le moment cette œuvre n'a pas de descriptif. Il est possible qu'il apparaisse plus tard. Suivez les mises à jour dans Artchive.
Other artworks by this artist
16×43 cm
Digital copy
Virgin with the baby
Virgin with the baby
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of the passion of Christ: Christ Charges the Pharisees
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of the passion of Christ: Christ Charges the Pharisees
57×98 cm
Digital copy
The last supper
The last supper
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of Christ's Passion
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of Christ's Passion
1308, 53×99 cm
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, front, Central part, scene: Mary with child on the throne
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, front, Central part, scene: Mary with child on the throne
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of the passion of Christ: the Procession to Calvary
Maesta, altar of Siena Cathedral, reverse side, Register with scenes of the passion of Christ: the Procession to Calvary
53×102 cm
Digital copy
Madonna di Crevole, the scene of Madonna on a throne and two angels, detail: Christ child, Madonna of the Church of Santa Cecilia in Crevole
Madonna di Crevole, the scene of Madonna on a throne and two angels, detail: Christ child, Madonna of the Church of Santa Cecilia in Crevole
44×43 cm
Digital copy
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