Sergei (Serge)
Alexandrovich Zalshupin (Shubin)

Russia • 1900−1931

Born in St. Petersburg in the family of A. Salopia, publisher of the "Encyclopedia of banking" and Newspapers "Russian economist" and "the Life and trial." He studied at the New art Studio V. Shuhaeva and Yakovlev (1915 – 1918). In 1921 he emigrated to Berlin. Worked in emigrant editions, which published portrait sketches. Participated in art exhibitions, including the Exhibition of the original drawings of the Petrograd book of signs (1923). In 1923 the Berlin publisher "Humayun" issued in an edition of 100 copies the album of etchings of the artist, "Portraits of modern Russian writers", which included portraits of A. Blok, A. Bely, Maxim Gorky, Boris Pilnyak, I. Shmelev and others In the same year he performed the illustrations for the book "Alice in Wonderland" by L. Carroll translation by Vladimir Nabokov. From 1924 he lived in Paris. He exhibited his works under the pseudonym "Serge Shubin" at the salon d'automne (1924, 1930).

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