Fedorovich Pakhomov

Russia • 1900−1973

Biographie et informations

1900-9-19. Painter. Thesis in the CVC "a Mowing."

More than one generation of Soviet people remember with gratitude his first book with wonderful, joyful illustrations of artist Vologzhanin Alexei Fedorovich Pakhomov. The artist has glorified not only known to each of us of his book illustrations, but also the famous severe series "Leningrad during the siege".

A. F. Pakhomov was born in 1900 in the village of Varlamovo of Taurage County. Fifteen-year teenager, after some years of schooling in the district school, he entered the art school of Baron Stieglitz. Such fortune in destiny of the simple peasant boy due to the fact that the money for the trip and the doctrine managed to raise by private subscription among the intelligentsia the city.

In St. Petersburg, Pakhomov studied in the workshops of the finest Russian painters N. I. Shukhaev, M. V. Dobuzhinsky, S. V. Chekhonin. After a short teaching in his native Kadnikov in 1918, then serving in the red Army Alexei Pakhomov continued his education at the Higher art and technical Institute (VHUTEIN). Immediately after it is written in the same 1925 the first Pakhomov painting "Haymaking", "Spartakovka" and "morning on the cut" became a notable event. A lot of them were written in print. At that time (1926-1928) Pakhomov was still under the strong influence of the "left" of art and were part of the group "Circle of artists". But soon he became disillusioned with the left and formalism already in 1927, draws realistic illustrations for children's book "Summer". Children's book illustrations have captured the artist almost entirely. In this genre he found his true calling. Sketching out and exploring the kids, the artist came to a great realism, achieved the sharpness and clarity of an image, understandable even to a preschooler.

Step by step, from book to book A. F. Pakhomov went from surface drawings of "pranks" of children for opening of new traits organized Soviet education, much more serious and inquisitive kids. Bright

mi milestones of artistic talent can be called a decorated books "Camp" E. Schwartz, "RVS" A. Gaidar (1925), "Ahead" by V. Kaverin, "From sea to sea," N. Tikhonov, "pioneer" A. Barto, "Detachment" by S. Marshak (1927), in which the pioneers of the joy for yourself found living images of their peers, always energetic and enthusiastic. In the illustrations to the book of S. Marshak "Mr. goodwrench" (1930) opened a new facet of the talent of the artist - bright and good-natured humor, also very close to child's perception.

Children's illustration requires clarity and simplicity. These qualities Pakhomov enriched deep psychological insight. His characters, characters in children's books "Clock" of L. Panteleyev (1934-1936), "Bezhin meadow" by Ivan Turgenev (1936), "frost-Red nose" by N. Nekrasova (1938) peeped in life and are quite the character portrait.

The artist had already developed his own style in the design of child and youth literature. As a rule, Pakhomov "is" we are their heroes on the leaf closeup in a simple frontal portrait composition. We learn "pakhomovskaya" children of a clear "sculpted" appearance, clear silhouette, simple movement and generalized modeling. However, as shown by the illustrations for the novel N. Ostrovsky "How the steel was tempered" (1937), he is not afraid of sudden movements and hard angles of their shapes. Unexpected rapid view of the artist in this book (Pavel Korchagin in the fight with the escort of Zuhra, at full gallop in a cavalry attack and other scenes) is quite consonant with vigorous compressed language of the writer.

Most of the artist's works executed in the technique of lithography that enables to draw on the lithographic stone from life and print without distortion mass circulation of the authentic prints.

Juicy casual touch lithographic pencil Pakhomov loved by not only children. In the thirties, the artist came to the fore in the classics of Soviet lithography. His prints from the life of Soviet pioneers have received wide acclaim abroad.

During the great Patriotic war together with all the people of Leningrad A. F. Pakhomov has experienced all the trials of the blockade and all the experiences were able to Express in a series of lithographs "Leningrad in days of blockade" (1942-1944). The main characters of these leaves, women and children. Heroism and fortitude, they refute the age-old sense of weakness and insecurity. A city with such people to conquer the impossible — says a whole lot. The heroism of the Soviet people occurs in the usual heavy routine of blockade, without any affectation, as a natural sense of civic duty. In this particular strength and vitality of lithographs. In the short breaks between the bombing, women clean the streets of snow, wash, dig vegetable gardens with the kids stocked up on water from the Neva. Sharpened by hunger, but resolute faces of women and children are striking in their authenticity. In 1946, the series was awarded the State prize. Great ideological contribution to the defense of the city made and posters of the artist.

In the early postwar years in a series of "In our town" (1946-1948) A. F. Pakhomov poetically captures the revival of peaceful life of Leningrad: the opening of the bronze horseman, planting trees, flocks of children on the streets, rebuilding the ruins of palaces.

In recent years, the artist turned to new areas of the graphics. Finding a new say his coloured linocuts "Early snow", "Autumn" and others, recreating a peaceful and colorful farm in the background of everyday life of native wildlife.

All the skill people's artist of the RSFSR, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of arts Professor A. F. Pakhomov gives talented young people. For several decades he taught at the Leningrad Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin.

About A. F. Pakhomov, V. N. Anikieva. "A. F. Pakhomov". L. 1935.. Radloff N. E. "Soviet children in the artist A. F. Pakhomov," L., 1938. Pikulev A. P. "A. F. Pakhomov", M.-L., 1950. Gankina E. Z. "A. F. Pakhomov". M., 1958.