With Nefertiti and a bouquet in a white vase

Tatiana Fomicheva • Pintura, 2021, 50×40 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos:
Estilo: Arte
Materiales: Orgalit
Fecha de creación: 2021
Tamaño: 50×40 cm
Región: Voronezh
Propietario: Tatiana Fomicheva
La descripción de la obra aún no existe. A lo mejor, aparecerá más tarde. Sigue las actualizaciones de Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
There are dried flowers on the windowsill in a contraption
There are dried flowers on the windowsill in a contraption
2021, 50×60 cm
With bouquet, coffee pots and fruit
With bouquet, coffee pots and fruit
2021, 50×50 cm
Lilacs in the workshop
Lilacs in the workshop
2021, 50×60 cm
Peonias rojas
Peonias rojas
Mayo 2020, 60×50 cm
Fruit tray
Fruit tray
2022, 50×60 cm
Dry bouquets in contrajour
Dry bouquets in contrajour
2021, 70×50 cm
Dry bouquets in tubs
Dry bouquets in tubs
2020, 60×80 cm
A picture of a hoax
A picture of a hoax
2021, 50×70 cm
Autumn enamel
Autumn enamel
2021, 80×90 cm
Tea roses
Tea roses
2020, 25×15 cm
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