Landscape with a bird-catcher

Peter Paul Rubens • Pintura, 1640, 46×85 cm
Acerca de la obra
Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos:
Materiales: El árbol
Fecha de creación: 1640
Tamaño: 46×85 cm
Obra en las selecciones: 4 selections
La descripción de la obra aún no existe. A lo mejor, aparecerá más tarde. Sigue las actualizaciones de Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
The Birth Of Venus
The Birth Of Venus
1636, 26×28 cm
Infants Jesus and John the Baptist playing with a lamb
Infants Jesus and John the Baptist playing with a lamb
1630, 34×45 cm
The flight into Egypt, the second state
The flight into Egypt, the second state
1635, 46×60 cm
Paisaje con un arcoiris
Paisaje con un arcoiris
1638, 181×384 cm
The Erection Of The Cross
The Erection Of The Cross
1610, 462×341 cm
The crucifixion
The crucifixion
1606, 304×256 cm
Portrait Of Clara Serena Rubens
Portrait Of Clara Serena Rubens
1618, 37×27 cm
Tarquinius y Lucrecia
Tarquinius y Lucrecia
1611, 187×214 cm
Digital copy
Four of the philosopher, from left to right: Rubens, his brother Philipp, the scholar Lipsius and his pupil Jan van der Auwera
Four of the philosopher, from left to right: Rubens, his brother Philipp, the scholar Lipsius and his pupil Jan van der Auwera
1611, 167×143 cm
Digital copy
The Coronation Of Marie De Medici
The Coronation Of Marie De Medici
1625, 394×627 cm
Obras recomendadas:
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Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
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Mesmerizing to look at
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Оксана Токарева. Квартирный вопрос только испортил их
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Квартирный вопрос только испортил их
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Xenia Keith. Морская рапсодия, от гребня к штилю. Диптих.
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Морская рапсодия, от гребня к штилю. Диптих.
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A kitten in a pond
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9 кругов чего?
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