Pierrot and red harlequin

Pablo Picasso • Pintura, 1920, 30.5×23.8 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos:
Estilo: El cubismo
Técnica: Serigrafía
Materiales: El papel
Fecha de creación: 1920
Tamaño: 30.5×23.8 cm
Obra en las selecciones: 3 selections
La descripción de la obra aún no existe. A lo mejor, aparecerá más tarde. Sigue las actualizaciones de Arthive.
Other artworks by this artist
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The woman and the Musketeers
The woman and the Musketeers
1967, 100×81 cm
Seven ballerinas
Seven ballerinas
1919, 62.2×50 cm
Nude woman
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1910, 187.3×61 cm
Woman sitting in chair
Woman sitting in chair
1941, 92×73 cm
A table in a cafe (Bottle of Pernod)
A table in a cafe (Bottle of Pernod)
1912, 45.5×32.5 cm
Gatto che cattura un uccello
Gatto che cattura un uccello
1939, 81×100 cm
Costume design for ballet "Tricorne"
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Harlequin on horseback
Harlequin on horseback
1905, 100×69 cm
Dance with veils
Dance with veils
1907, 150×100 cm
Opere consigliate
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Natbrmort of uveta and apricot
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Polina Razumova. Still life with grapefruit
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Still life with grapefruit
2022, 35×25 cm
Olga Shatskaya. Indian ringed parrot
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Indian ringed parrot
2025, 40×40 cm