Abundance. Basic States of Woman

Natalie Nataly Mikhailuk • Pintura, 2023, 70×50×2 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos: ,
Técnica: Pastel
Materiales: Cartón
Fecha de creación: 2023
Tamaño: 70×50×2 cm

Descripción del cuadro «Abundance. Basic States of Woman»

Only a Woman can be a true Mistress - of her home, her family, her life.

Self-confidence, groundedness, calmness, comfort and harmony. A woman is able to hold in her field everything she needs - money, love, relationships, opportunities.

The energy of the Earth state is an endless source for Woman.
This painting is charged with Abundance. It will tell you the answer to getting what you want

May it bring its mistress wealth, the comfort of self-confidence, the joy of caring for others, and the support of the Kin.

You can only purchase this work in its entirety as a series (4 paintings - 4 States of Women).

The series of paintings were painted in a place of strength, traveled to more than 10 exhibitions. More than 1000 women have been tested on them. The paintings carry a very strong energy.

Along with your purchase, you can get tested and get a full consultation from the author:

- on your leading states
- opportunities to utilize their strongest states
- ways of developing weaker states

This knowledge along with the series of paintings will give you a huge breakthrough in your life - love, career, finances, power.
Other artworks by this artist
Crimea, Sea Etude #13
Crimea, Sea Etude #13
2021, 23×30×2 cm
Coral Peonies
Coral Peonies
2020, 27×27×2 cm
Turquoise Melodies #5
Turquoise Melodies #5
2022, 47×62×2 cm
Orange Mood
Orange Mood
2022, 23×31×2 cm
Kolomna Estate, sketch
Kolomna Estate, sketch
2022, 40×30×2 cm
Crimea, Sea Etude, #2
Crimea, Sea Etude, #2
2021, 23×30×2 cm
The Merry Family
The Merry Family
2023, 50×70×2 cm
Blue still life
Blue still life
2021, 50×50×2 cm
Turquoise Melodies #1
Turquoise Melodies #1
2022, 47×62×2 cm
Ancient Romance
Ancient Romance
2021, 70×70×2 cm
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