Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Arte digital
Tópico y objetos: , Marina
Técnica: Pintura digital
Materiales: El archivo digital
Fecha de creación:
Tamaño: 54×89 cm

Descripción de la obra «Storm»

NFT file. Digital painting. Description: Storm on the sea, it is safer to look from the land.
Other artworks by this artist
We are all waiting for something.
We are all waiting for something.
15.06.2022, 89×54 cm
Maznilia 2
Maznilia 2
22.12.2022, 54×89 cm
Ashes of the Forest
Ashes of the Forest
21.10.2022, 58×105 cm
At the very bottom, below the silt. Dark Worlds. Stories of Phobos
At the very bottom, below the silt. Dark Worlds. Stories of Phobos
20.09.2018, 54×89 cm
Portal home. He's gone
Portal home. He's gone
09.03.2019, 54×89 cm
Alice. White flowers are falling
Alice. White flowers are falling
29.04.2023, 54×89 cm
The River
The River
11.02.2021, 54×89 cm
The Woman in White
The Woman in White
03.06.2022, 89×54 cm
26.12.2022, 54×89 cm
I'll be back
I'll be back
12.07.2022, 54×89 cm
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Alexei Vladimirovich Shevchuk. В поиске себя
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Оксана Токарева. Квартирный вопрос только испортил их
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