Macro summer

Alexander Vladimirovich Andreev • Arte digital, , 42×54 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Arte digital
Tópico y objetos:
Estilo: Animalismo
Técnica: Pintura digital
Materiales: El archivo digital
Fecha de creación:
Tamaño: 42×54 cm

Descripción de la obra «Macro summer»

NFT file. Digital painting. Description: A fly on a currant blossom, all in dewdrops. From the author: The picture is outdated for me. Hyper realism in painting is possible, but there is no demand for it. A picture similar to Photography loses its value. This is my word, maybe someday the name of the author will make the picture valuable, maybe not.
Other artworks by this artist
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Jaguar Drinks Water
19.02.2022, 54×89 cm
The road to the fields
The road to the fields
08.10.2019, 4.2×5.4 cm
Woman, sea, ship
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13.04.2020, 34×54 cm
Bright soul
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27.01.2019, 54×89 cm
13.06.2022, 54×89 cm
At the very bottom, below the silt. Dark Worlds. Stories of Phobos
At the very bottom, below the silt. Dark Worlds. Stories of Phobos
20.09.2018, 54×89 cm
Stormy skies at sea, a woman bird
Stormy skies at sea, a woman bird
19.04.2020, 54×89 cm
Rainbow Night
Rainbow Night
02.08.2022, 54×89 cm
Salvation to those who love.
Salvation to those who love.
09.07.2022, 89×54 cm
Nu hardcore
Nu hardcore
11.05.2019, 54×89 cm
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