Lisa Ray - Halloween

Lisa Ray • Pintura, 2023, 40×50×2 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Pintura
Tópico y objetos:
Técnica: El aceite
Materiales: El lienzo
Fecha de creación: 2023
Tamaño: 40×50×2 cm
Propietario: Lisa Ray
Obra en las selecciones: 1 selection

Descripción del cuadro «Lisa Ray - Halloween»

The author combines in his painting traditional elements of Halloween with elements of mysticism and the otherworldly. The girl sitting on the window sill, pressed against the glass, looks like enchanted and immersed in the magical atmosphere of the holiday. The bright spot of the composition and the center of attraction is a huge moon turned into Jack's lantern.
The artist's work invites the viewer to plunge into the world of Halloween, where the boundary between reality and fantasy is blurred. Shades of black, blue and orange create a gloomy, but at the same time captivating mood, making us think about the mysterious and enigmatic aspects of this holiday.
Halloween allows us to have fun with our family and friends and enjoy the magical atmosphere. This day brings joy and pleasure, makes us immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of mystery and riddles, turning it into a unique and magical event.

Overall, Lisa Ray's "Halloween" painting is an interesting and original creation that combines the aesthetics of artistic depiction and the mystical atmosphere of the holiday.
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