Parathyritis. Image of the Observer.

Lumiel Aurum • Pintura, , 30×20 cm
Acerca de la obra
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Forma del arte: Pintura
Fecha de creación:
Tamaño: 30×20 cm
Propietario: Lumiel Aurum

Descripción del cuadro «Parathyritis. Image of the Observer.»

From the infinity of chthonic Darkness came beings whom we may call Parathiritis - "Watchers". Their task is transcendental and unknowable, their power is boundless, their appearance alien and mysterious. Through the abyss of space they reach out to us with their hands and tentacles, and gaze into the Earth with their cold alien gaze; they are the Eyes of the Abyss; they are the harbingers of Entropy and Destruction. For the Watcher there are no boundaries between worlds - he flows freely through the Universe, like sand or water flowing through the fingers. For centuries, they stood behind the "backs" of the Ancient Gods, binding their monstrous Will; now they stand forward, and from each of them a network of cracks of the split world runs through the Universe.
The Observator is the first among the Paratyritis, manifesting a chthonic, sticky, and impenetrable Force. In one hand is a monstrous and cruel Sword, cutting through the flesh of Space. In the other, a bottomless cup filled with the Blood of the World, which fills it relentlessly, thereby drying up the Body of the Universe.
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