Interior painting

168 artworks, 72 artists
Contemporary interior painting is not only paintings, but also painting of walls and ceilings, stencil design, sectional prints of classic works on canvas. The task of interior painting is to place bright accents in home decoration. Often, such paintings are rather design than a work of art.
A long time ago, people began to decorate the walls of their homes with drawings, often reading a deep sacred meaning into the images, drawing signs and lines that averted evil forces. Artistic techniques improved over time, and the drawings became more sophisticated and complex. Over the years, they depicted paintings and ornaments on the walls, implying aesthetic pleasure. Since the time of the Cretan-Mycenaean culture (2,000 years BC), fresco painting has become very popular. Simple technique and affordable pigments made it a favourite way to decorate homes and temples for centuries.
Stencils in the decoration of houses and temples were used both in Ancient Egypt and in Ancient Greece. Creating repeating patterns made work easier and faster, and the complexity of the image depended on the skill of the artist who drew the pattern. Stencils were one of the favourite adornments of bleached lime walls in the post-war USSR. Today, stencil painting of walls is one of many design solutions for creating a modern interior, offering a huge selection of patterns and materials.
Pictures as interior painting have a wide range of proposals and really focus rather on design and the relationship between colour accents than on high-quality execution. Paintings in this style are sold at any hardware store; they are not expensive at all. However, if the project implies an author’s decision of an expensive design, then one turns to professional artists. These commissioned paintings can be quite expensive and cost thousands of dollars. It depends on the task of the project and the funds allocated for it.
The pictures created for interior painting solutions feature large dimensions, quite simply perceptible images, lack of small details and unambiguous reading. Such works, as a rule, do not need framing.

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