Socialist realism. Big construction

Exhibition December 24, 2020 − February 28, 2021
An exhibition opened in the halls of the Primorsky State Art Gallery “Socialist Realism. Big construction site ".

The exposition includes paintings, drawings and sculptures from the collection of the State Museum and Exhibition Center "ROSIZO". Campaign graphics take an important place in the exposition. In a country where by the beginning of the 1930s. a significant part of the population was still illiterate, this genre was destined to become the most important means of propaganda - messages with a vivid and understandable visual message easily conveyed any social and political attitudes of the ruling party.

The presented exposition reflects the main themes characteristic of socialist realism. Plots related to industry and construction can be seen in the works of Viktor Pinegin "Moscow Bicycle Plant" and Wilhelm Lukin "Coal of the Kuzbass", painter Alexander Samokhvalov "In the Volga steppes" shows new agriculture. Popular at that time were the themes of the army (Boris Karpov "Portrait of the Hero of the USSR Comrade Y. V. Smushkevich"), new life (Rose Frenkel-Manyuson "Reading room in the Central Exhibition Hall"), the formation of a new person (Alexander Samokhvalov "Worker of a tobacco factory") , propaganda and political education (Vyacheslav Mariupolskiy "Leader").

Based on site materials Seaside State Art Gallery.

Galleries at the exhibition