Pablo Picasso. Modern Neighborhood: Marine Van Creuil

Exhibition September 17 − November 1, 2020
The Pablo Picasso Museum in Barcelona hosts an exhibition “Pablo Picasso. Modern Neighborhood: Marine Van Creuil ".

The exposition focuses on the late works of Picasso and the work of Marine van Crey, a contemporary Dutch author.

Marine van Crey(Middelrode, Netherlands, 1978) in a playful way challenges the myth of creative genius and the Western notion of progress. Rather than presenting the work as a whole, the viewer is encouraged to participate in the creation process. The theme of the exhibition is centered around the window, which is a recurring theme for the two artists. The exhibition is complemented by several pre-designed bells and a number of different stools from the artist's collection that invite the public to socialize.

Based on site materialsPablo Picasso Museum.