Egon Schiele and Richard Lindner: META Body Physics

Exhibition February 7 − May 11, 2020
Museum of Printed Graphics holds an exhibitionEgon Schiele and Richard Lindner: METAphysics of the body.

A collection of graphics of renowned masters of the 20th century is represented by worksEgona SchieleandRichard Lindner. The exposition includes works by a prominent representative of Austrian expressionism and "mechanical cubism" by an American artist, the author of the Beatles: Yellow Submarine poster, united by the study of the human body.

While many are familiar with the works of the most important representative of Austrian expressionism, the incomparable and shocking draftsman Egon Schiele, the name of the American-German artist, illustrator and designer Richard Lindner will be a real discovery for many visitors. Moreover, the lithography exhibition is complemented by an unusual carpet, hand-woven by Lindner in the 1970s. The curators of the project managed to solve a difficult problem: within the framework of a single exhibition space, not only to combine or contrast two large-scale personalities of artists of the 20th century, exploring the nature of the human body, but to try to penetrate everyone’s inner world and find common ground between dramatically broken images of one and bright grotesque images of another. Between expressionism and cubism, between the origins of pop art and contemporary performance.

Based on site materialsMuseum of Printed Graphics.