Merry-go-round. Collection No. 2

Exhibition December 18, 2019 − January 26, 2020
December 18 in the gallery "Here on Taganka" of the Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" opens the exhibition "Merry-Go-Round. Collection No. 2 ".

The exhibition will feature more than 200 works by beginners and famous young artists created in different styles and genres: painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, video art and installation. The exhibition will present only new works of both held and as yet little-known young authors.

Created in 1969, known to every citizen of the country for its musical background and individual cartoons, the animated collection for children, Merry-Go-Round, is perceived and evaluated as an experimental art structure. Various “painted aesthetics” and meanings “strayed” in it into a single block of spectacle. Speed, eclecticism, brightness and humor created the effect of lightning-fast relaxation for the viewer. When creating the exhibition “Merry-go-round. Collection No. 2 ”Andrei Bartenev uses the structure of the cartoon collection through interdisciplinary synthesis and unexpected combinations of works of various styles and genres.

The curator describes his project as follows:

“We call ourselves carousels! We are carousing our lives! We circle our destiny, aspiring visions, ostentatious dynamism ... quick change of images, close-ups and a microscopic touch! Randomly - without a plan to study circular motion! Horse racing patterns, copy of thought overtakes copy of thought. Do not come close! Do not pull your neck! Life threatening! Touch only with your eyes! ”

Opening: December 18, 19:00, admission is free