Andrew Wyeth: "In retrospect"

Exhibition June 24 − September 17, 2017
"Andrew Wyeth: "In retrospect" - the first personal exhibition of the artist's works after his death in 2009.
In this exhibition, which opened at the Museum of art Brandywine river in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, examines the development of the artist's work for decades, his connection with the traditions of American and European art. In addition, we study the stages of a career What, there is a diversity of public opinion about his works: from the merciless criticism to resounding success. Examines the impact of external factors on the artist's work, the themes that have occupied him throughout the entire creative way.
The exhibition "Andrew Wyeth: "In retrospect," collected both famous and rarely seen works created between the mid-1930s and the death of Wyeth in 2009. Organized chronologically, the exhibition examines the inexorable realism Wata in the context of the twentieth century. Carefully selected exhibits show how external forces have shaped the choice of the theme of the artist's work, his approach to the depiction of people, places and things that reflect the inner thoughts of a complex man.
The exhibition includes more than a hundred works from the early watercolors What to the last paintings before his death.
12 Jul 2017 marks 100 years since the birth of this controversial, but definitely a talented artist. For the anniversary the U.S. Postal service issued twelve stamps showing his work.
The exhibition will be at the art Museum of the Brandywine river in Chadds Ford until September 17 and then will travel to The Seattle art Museum.

On the official website Museum of art Brandywine river and website