Engravings in the era of Bruegel

Exhibition February 27 − June 23, 2019
Exhibition "Engravings in the era of Bruegel"Organized jointly by the BOZAR Center for Visual Arts and the Royal Library of Belgium, it presents a picture of the development of print in the southern Netherlands during the life of Peter Bruegel Strach. The exhibition is dedicated to the anniversary year of the artist.

The creative work of the famous painter and engraver is only the tip of the iceberg. In the shadow of this giant you can find many pearls of printing art. The means were varied and used for several forms of visual communication - from newsletters to political propaganda.

Not everything that came off the presses was conceived as a work of art, although talented artists, sculptors and architects almost always made high-quality images. The appearance and flourishing of printing art in the Bruegel era is not just an artistic success story. An important role was also played by the brilliant skill and brave spirit of entrepreneurship.